Hillmorton Borough Councillors Kathryn Lawrence, Ian Picker and David Cranham have welcomed the news that Conservative led Warwickshire County Council is now consulting the public on plans for major improvements to the Paddox Junction.
Hillmorton County Councillor Yousef Dahmash informed local press this week, “I share many of the concerns residents have raised about the present proposals. I can see Elms Drive becoming a rat run as people look to skip the lights by going down it – every time there are temporary lights at the junction, people do it. We would need to consult with residents before any changes to the way the road presently works are made. It would need detailed plans drawing up and we’d need to make sure refuse collections were not affected.”
Yousef continued, “At the moment there is a real issue with tailbacks on Ashlawn Road at peak times, at present there are no crossings at the junction and every day Ashlawn School students cross the A428, and it isn’t safe. We need to get this right, and that involves tackling the issues relating to the volume of traffic at the junction and making sure people can cross safely in a way they presently cannot – and ensuring there are no negative knock-on effects on nearby roads.”
Cllr. Dahmash stated he intended to meet with Warwickshire County Council highways officers to discuss any residents concerns.
Visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/trafficsignals for more information. Objections and any comments must be received by Shirley Reynolds by email: [email protected] or Tel: 01926 412110 by 8th February. If you prefer to write in comments on the proposals, the address is; Shirley Reynolds, Design Services, Environmental Services, Communities Directorate, Shire Hall Post Room, Northgate Street, Warwick, CV34 4SP.
Photo: County Councillor Yousef Dahmash. Tel: 07769 916990 Email: [email protected]
Photo 2: Yousef with Borough Councillors David Cranham and Kathryn Lawrence